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Upper Arlington Softball Association (UASA)

Welcome to UA Bearcub Softball - we are so glad you are here.  Each year, almost 400 girls participate in Spring  Softball with the Upper Arlington Softball Association (UASA).  This is a great opportunity for the girls to learn about the sport, play with their friends close to home, and have a blast!

The north star of our efforts is grounded in a Spring Season at Northam Park.  In the year of Covid (2020), we also played a Fall Season.  While we call it a 'Fall Northam Season' - we do so, to offer perspective on what a family can expect.  The games are played at other UA parks, with Northam being the hub for UA Youth Football in the fall.  

In 2019, we introduced the UA Golden Gloves.  The UA Golden Gloves are the Summer Select/Travel team arm of the Upper Arlington Softball Association. For perspective, we have almost 400 kids play with us in the Spring. The UAGG teams include about 80 players who want more... more competitive play, more time on the dirt, and more softball.

These teams play year-round and are designed and aligned to complement a player's spring season of play at the High School, Middle School, and/or UA Bear Cub Softball at Northam. These teams continue to get stronger every year, and we've had a number of families inquire, now that Spring at Northam is winding down.

The UA Softball Association is proud of and committed to offering year-round opportunities for players - in both recreational and competitive softball, and everything in between.  This is a great way for girls to have fun and play with their friends, and for those who want more - to get just that.  

This site is designed to be your hub for all things UA Youth Softball. 


Tristan Bell


Sarah Lathrop
